The Folks regarding the McDonald-Taylor and Lacey Families and their Related Families, is well organized. If you would like an index to the people go to A Chart of Individuals on that page; it will guide you through the maze.
The related families are ones that married into the core group plus maybe a few more that seem to fit into the Spring Creek Cousins. They are random and incomplete and I hope to someday massage them into a more uniform mass, in the meantime they are a peek through the veil.
Stories and Stuff are things that I've acquired over the years including some from before Texas
Movin On is a little piece about where the families went when they moved on from Spring Creek
Stuff to Look At is a collection of Census' and maps that pertain to our story
Projects -The special projects group deals primarily with my family at Locke Hill, ten miles from the Alamo on the Fredericksburg Road. We can add projects to that; if you come up with something you'd like to share!